Jon Response

The story about Jon was interesting yet confusing. It’s about a group of teens that live in a facility that assess products for consumers. They were raised in this building their entire lives. Its not clear if this story is in the future or present day but if I had to guess I would say it was in the future. 

The main two key individuals in the story were Jon and Carol. The story starts off in a sexual tone so I could already get the gist that the had a “thing” going on.  Jon and carol eventually fall in love and take their love to a new level. One night Jon sneaks into Carols “bedroom”; shortly after she becomes pregnant. Carol proposes that they leave the facility to start their family but Jon has reservations. Carol is tired of only seeing the outdoors through windows, she wants to experience nature and everything the world has to offer first hand.


Overall, Saunders story is brilliantly constructed. He illustrates how, what I would consider to be America, places a large emphasis on possessions in society. By showing the lengths that companies would go to sell their products one might think twice about purchasing that new Iphone, Television, microwave, or pillowpet. However, I do find it difficult to understand how this relates to class. Yes, the imagery was amazing but beyond that, why this article?